Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mid-January Update - no snow :-(

It's already been a month since our last update - can hardly believe it!

We are still at the Eufaula NWR volunteering. We've been able to work outside some, but the weather has not been the best. It is winter and that means gloomy days with occasional rain. Some areas north of us in Alabama got snow overnight, but we just got rain. No complaints though - every inch helps the drought situation here.

We had a great Christmas, traveling all over as usual. The Hall family Christmas was the 22nd - we stayed at Tom's dad's house the night before and drove all the way from Gordo to Eufaula after the party Saturday. The next day we headed south for a couple of days at Sally's dad's house. Of course we watched the Chrismas Story (Sally's annual Christmas ritual). Christmas we headed back to Eufaula and ate Chinese for lunch. No singing waiters, but still pretty close...

Since then we've done some relaxing at home and taken turns giving each other a day of solitude. That really helps when you live in less than 300 square feet!

For Sally's birthday we went to Atlanta for the Thrashers - Montreal hockey game. It was two for Thursday so we got half price tickets and sat in the lower level for the first time. Tom caught a t-shirt during the first intermission - an unexpected birthday gift for Sally it turns out. Atlanta didn't win, but at least they got one point in the standings.

This coming weekend is the first weekend of Mardis Gras and we are visiting Stephen & Katie in New Orleans and hit some parades. Maybe afterwards we'll get a chance to post some pictures.

We have decided where we are going for next summer. We'll be in Washington volunteering as campground hosts during May & June. July we'll take off to explore. Then in August we'll volunteer at the Malheur NWR in southeast Oregon. On the way, we should be able to explore some of the Southwest (Carlsbad Caverns, Grand Canyon, etc.)

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year - keep in touch.