Saturday, July 08, 2006

Travelling the "World"

Sally and Tom have been planning to travel the world for many years. Now, it appears, you can travel the most of the civilized world and never leave the state of Maine. This sign is about 15 miles from the campground where we are working. There is another sign with more "exotic" places that we will post in the near future.

We are having a great time. Sally is doing quite a bit of hiking. Tom has a slight injury keeping him from walking as much as Sally, but he is quickly recovering.

There is a preservation society that sponsers an event each Monday night. We have seen a local humorist and an "Old Time Radio Hour" show. The events are held in a chapel on the property of Poland Springs, the bottled water people. We have to drive about 35 miles to this place. To put it in prospective, we used to drive 30 miles one way to play trivia in Atlanta. But he scenery is much better up here.

The work is fun. We get to meet a lot of interesting people from all over the northeast, even some from around the world. Two guys from Denmark came in the week before the 4th. Canadians show pretty regular. But most of the adventurers are from ME, MA and NH.

We miss family and friends, but we are trying to involve ourselves in activities to mask our homesickness. Good health to all. We'll be posting more soon.

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