Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dad's Christmas Present ----- Stephen & Katie at the Track

It sure has been a long time since we posted to the blog – it’s hard when you are operating on dial up. We can play a whole solitaire game while we wait for the next page to load up. Tonight we are on a fast connection so are taking advantage.

Sally and Tom are enjoying our time at Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge, but for some strange reason we are always visiting someone on the weekends (which is why we are in Eufaula, to be able to go visit people, wild eh?).

We had a nice holiday season. We attended the Hall family gathering the week before Christmas. We then traveled to stay with Sally’s dad on Christmas weekend.

After a short work week, we got to go the Independence Bowl in Shreveport. Unfortunately, the Alabama team did not show up till the 4th quarter and then it was “too little, too late”. We spent the rest of the weekend before New Year’s with Stephen and Katie the week after Christmas. We spent Saturday afternoon at the race track – Stephen and Katie had the best afternoon (money-wise) but we all enjoyed the visit.

It is very good to get with family. We truly enjoyed our holiday season with them.

We have been spending quite a bit of our work time at the refuge working in the office. We are helping to clean up and archive records from as far back as 1964. It is strange to sit and look at the methods used in the sixties and seventies and compare it to the methods used today. Handwritten and single spaced typed memos with carbon copies were very common when we started work so many years ago, but we grew up moving the information into the technologies that are used today. We lightly review some of the reports and wonder how hard it was to compare information year to year. We are truly living in a wonderful time, if you like fast paced; cram everything into short periods of time and move on to the next subject.

We’ll post again (sooner this time) and catch you up on our other work at the refuge, Sally’s knitting and our trip to New Orleans for Mardis Gras!

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