Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reflections on the last day in New Orleans (for this Spring)

Check out progress at our Google Map

New Orleans is a wonderful and historic city. The French Quarter is not the only thing they have to share. There are battlefields, paddlewheel cruises, professional sports teams and other diversions. Our biggest diversion in town is our grandson Grady. He is a joy to watch. He is now three months old. It is hard to believe that just over a year ago he was a single cell organism. We express our thanks to Stephen and Katie for allowing us to babysit a couple of times.

It's hard to burp a sleeping baby

Grady l-o-o-o-oves Papa Tom.
Grady's winning smile
New Orleans is an old soul. The rich history of downtown is seen in the French Quarter, the street cars and the people who call it home. We took a day and rode the street car (no, it was not named Desire) the entire length. We got off downtown and walked to the French Quarter for lunch. We traveled across the mighty Mississippi River on a ferry.
Carnival leftovers decorate the Garden District
Tom and the St Charles streetcar
Container ship at the dock - New Orleans
This is why they call it the "Big Muddy"
The downtown skyline from Jackson Wharf
We ate all things New Orleans. We ate crawfish and ooeey-gooeey cake at the senior Murphy household and Spiced Braised Beef with Sweet Potatoes at the other. We even had sushi. We thank the Miles and Murphy families for showing us such a wonderful (and weight gaining) time.

Crawfish at the Murphys'
Now we start our summer trip in earnest. We head to Tucson for a couple of days, then pass points near Las Vegas, Salt Lake City and Boise before our two month stint near Burns, Oregon at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. It is the birding time of year, so at least one of us is excited. We'll keep you posted!

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