Saturday, February 27, 2010

Eufaula and the moving preparation

First of all, we realize our posting might appear to be bragging. It is really a way for us to remember where we were and what we were doing at a specific time. We are getting more and more forgetful and crossing time periods for events. We encourage everyone to do this, write your experiences. Some day you will appreciate the memories. We enjoy looking at pictures from three years ago and remembering the friends, scenery and activities.

February has been a transition month for us the past two years. This year we have moved from Gautier MS to Eufaula NWR. Eufaula has been our winter home for three of the last four years. We enjoy the people we work with at Eufaula. Thanks to all of the staff and Don and Mary for making our time there a lot of fun.

Visiting family and friend was also high on our list in the month. We have been fortunate to see folks in Florida, Atlanta and Anniston. We had a great visit with Sally's father, brother and niece and great niece.


We took two trips to Atlanta. Early in the month, Tom watched the Superbowl with a friend while Sally visited her Tai Chi friends aand teacher.

Tom collected a few prizes - how about that super coozy?!

Then two weeks later, we were back in town to attend a mortgage burning party where we ran into friends unseen for many years.


Now we are in Anniston, preparing for our trip out west and north for the summer. We will travel with stops planned in New Orleans, Dallas, Tucson and Salt Lake City. Then we'll spend April and May volunteering at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

View 2010 Plans in a larger map

Our current plans are to tour throughout the month of June. We will be volunteering at Voyageur National Park at the Ash River Visitor Center near International Falls MN in July, August and September. There is a lot of work getting ready for a trip such as this. The weather will run the full gamut of seasons. The activities will involve snow and swimming. We look forward to the next 8 months. We hope, like us, you all have a lot to look forward to in the coming months.


rho said...

I don't see it as bragging at all - I look at it as sharing the adventure and personally I love it

Have fun!

Darlene & Tony said...

I think it is great. I get to see you guys more now than I have the last 20 years. Try to keep the Pacific Northwest in your yearly plans. Maybe one day we will be able to travel east. See you in April.